Commissions are OPEN! (And other things)

First off, my commissions are now OPEN! Things are a little different than they were before. I have opened five commission slots from now until the end of May. Once the slots are filled, I will be opening a waiting list and things will go from there. Hopefully this system works. There’s a possibility of more slots in June, or I may just work off the waiting list. I’ll update in a month or so, depending on whether or not the slots are filled.

I have updated my Contact Me page to now include a link to my Storenvy!

I also updated my neglected About Me page with new and recent details. The pictures still need to be changed, but that will come later.

Other than the commissions thing, the next biggest update is my Upcoming Events! I finally posted my tentative cosplay and convention schedule for the year. With Cosplay for a Cure, it’s possible that I’ll be attending more conventions, so please remember this is always subject to change.

I have new photos to post as well, but those will come in the next update. Until then, ta ta!