Character: Purgatory Human Dancer
Series: Mass Effect
Worn at: DragonCon 2015
The Azures of Afterlife returned for DragonCon 2015, with a group nearly double the size from the previous year. I had been in my Liara makeup earlier in the day, and managed to sweat off my headpiece in an hour, so I decided to be a human for the photoshoot. We had a great mix of humans and asari. Fortunately, I’d just dyed my hair a beautiful combination of blues, so I still fit in nicely for the photoshoot.
Photo credits: PhotosNXS, Atlanta Fashion Police
Roll Call: Space Lion Cosplay, Galaxy Gal Costuming, Vee Vee Vice, Pillar of Dawn Studios, Scifichick Cosplay, Skruffy Studios, Raven Roth, Lady Shepard, Bettie Bloodshed Cosplay, Arwen Doll Dressup, Zerggiee Cosplay, Pam Marotte, Chimera Rose Costuming, Clarissa Metall Cosplay, Garrus, Aria T’Loak