Busy Weekends!

I’ve had a few busy weekends here in Toronto. As mentioned in the last post, there was Beefcake/Cheesecake at As Astra. It was a huge success, and I look forward to taking part next year. 🙂

I also attended Hoobystar’s free ComicCon on the Sunday. It was pretty chill, managed to get a couple photos of my Ice costume, as well as snagging some pretty cool swag.

Last weekend I attended the Anime North Keep Toronto Reading event at the North York Public Library. It was also pretty chill, and I managed to finally get photos of my Ekans gijinka I made last year for Anime North.

Anyways, what this update is actually for… I now have a fanpage on Facebook! Please go check it out. 🙂

Ad Astra

Hey guys! Just a quick journal to let you all know that I will (kinda) be at Ad Astra this weekend in Toronto!

I am there doing the Beefcake/Cheesecake event in my newly finished Jean Grey Black Queen costume.

If you’re attending the con, or otherwise in the area, you should definitely come check it out and support Casey House. There will be tons of lovely ladies, including Liana K and Naked News’ Katherine Curtis.

More information can be seen over here!