Summer Con Season

It’s almost over! Oh my.

Con Bravo was pretty awesome. With Cosplay for a Cure we raised $1600 for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. I made Sophitia from Soul Calibur 2, and rewore my casual Morrigan. Had SO much fun partying and meeting new people.

It is now confirmed that I will be attending FanExpo in two weeks! I won’t be there on the Thursday, as it’s my birthday, but provided I can get my Saturday off work, I will be there the other three days. Not 100% sure what I’m wearing, but I’ve got some ideas on the Events page.

After that it’s DragonCon! SO excited. I have way too many plans and I’m going to be in the parade and I get to see people I haven’t seen since last year, and some since the year before and some I haven’t even met yet. It’s going to be great.

Post-Fan Ex and Dragon*Con!

So sorry I didn’t update before I left! There was such a whirlwind getting commissions done in time for FanExpo and Dragon*Con and then trying to magick another costume. I completely forgot until I was away from my computer that I hadn’t posted yet. o.o

First! Commissions! If I HAVE NOT responded, I apologize! They are staying closed for the time being while I figure out life stuff. If I HAVE responded, and we talked about quotes and deadlines, you’re fine and good. I really am sorry, but life takes precedence sometimes. (However, there are still things on my etsy!)

So FanExpo! Ended up being around all four days, though not for very long. Wore Sailor Neptune (for the last time before I tear it apart and redo the leotard) with Gill and Meg in the Sailors Uranus and Pluto costumes I made them. So happy. <3 Friday Gill and I quickly wore Fire and Ice for a shoot with Geek Girls. We were around for an hour before heading home to get ready for the G33kpron FanEx Kickoff party. Admittedly lots of drinking. I wore my Tinkerbell costume, sort-of. (I finished the dress, but don’t yet have wings, so they were just painted on, or a proper wig.) Saturday I magically made Chel from The Road to El Dorado (in 4 hours while people were sleeping) to go with Kyle as Tulio and Alex as Miguel. And that was awesome. Sunday I wore Sophie so I could finally get photos of that.

Photos will go up as I get them! For now, check out this awesome photo of Rachel in the Sailor Moon costume I made her!

And then immediately following was Dragon*Con!

Lots of things. Wore Gill’s Black Canary around partying Thursday night. Friday was Luna Lovegood with an AWESOME Harry Potter group, and then changing into Query for the Gotham shoot. Wore swimsuit Asami around partying that night. Saturday I wore Brave and the Bold Ice for a bit. Sunday was casual Hawkeye. I was having a bit of a rough weekend emotionally, so I wasn’t around and in costume too much unfortunately. Hopefully next year will be better!

As for future cons, it’s very possible that I am done for the year. I -might- try to make it to Youma, but I really don’t know. Currently focusing on Halloween and commissions, and then prepping the big guns. Next year is my 10th Anime North, so I want to make it count.

Until next time!