Character: Mad Moxxi
Series: Borderlands 2
Worn at: Unplugged Expo 2014
Status: SOLD
I first had a friend tell me to make Mad Moxxi in late 2012. I loved the design, but hadn’t played the games yet. In January 2013, I did a makeup test, just to see if I could pull it off, and I loved it. However, I’m a giant slacker, and didn’t play Borderlands until after Anime North 2014 when I met some super cool BL cosplayers. I started on Moxxi for ConBravo, and while I almost got her done, there was enough that I decided to put it aside. While she was never technically done, she was done enough for me to debut at Unplugged Expo.
Photo credits: Amaleigh Photography, Eleventh Photograph
Makeup by Grimm Lab FX