
Character: Ice
Series: DC Comics/Justice League International
Worn at: Canadian ToyCon Novemeber 2013, DragonCon 2014
Status: SOLD

Oh man, this costume has been planned for a long time. I finally folded back in the summer and just made it, not really thinking about when I’d wear it. It was a bit of an adventure, and I probably spent the most time making the boot covers to my liking. I brought it to DragonCon but didn’t end up pulling it out, so when Cosplay for a Cure was invited to ToyCon again, I figured why not put it on and finally wear it. I do always love being Ice.

Photo credits: Jeff James, Al Butler, Ezdozit Photography, Danny Hunter, Mark Shafer, Cosplay for a CureDoctar StEvil

Roll Call: Doctor Evil worn by Doctar StEvil, Supergirl by Sperren Cosplay